I really dislike the fact that this is a topic of discussion in the Natural Hair Community.
...But it is isn't it?
Since returning natural in 2013 I've encountered these question without fail at least once every two weeks.
"Is Natural Hair Professional?"
"How do I make my natural hair look professional?"
....and my least favorite
"Should I go to my job interview with a weave and bust out my natural hair once I'm hired?"
These are questions that I see all the time and why? WHY is it even a thought that someone would deny you employment NOT because of your lack of experience or qualifications.. but because your hair texture is different from theirs.
Alright to be honest as an African American Woman I've been nervous on job interviews and first impressions matters a lot to me. I make it a rule to wear slacks but never tight fitting, I prefer button blouses but I NEVER show cleavage. I just make sure I don't offend anyone with my attire. Those are things everyone should be concerned about though... yet as a person of color there's always this little voice in the back of my head that whispers "If the manager doesn't like black people you're screwed!" Honestly speaking the manager could be Black themselves and STILL have a problem with the fact that you're Black too!
So when you return natural you're not only dealing with common interview nerves of being a person of African decent, you're dealing with that on top of your natural hair insecurities and the ignorance of others and the way they view your natural hair.
In Corporate America you have some basic rules to acceptably groomed hair.
1. Must be clean
2. Should be natural in color (no pink, blues, purples etc.)
3. Should be done in a manner that is neat and orderly
I mean those are your hard core basics. So with that being said do you believe your natural hair is suited for Corporate America? Still No? Well... Why would YOU believe it's okay to have natural hair in Corporate America anyway? You've been taught that you should always hide it with a relaxer! Cover it up with weaves and wigs for months at a time! Our natural texture has become as private to the Black Woman as her Bra and Panties! Think about it... before a black woman is due for her touch up or weave installation what do you see her wearing OUTSIDE? A head scarf right? As if she's not completely put together until she has those naps covered up!
Let me calm down... My point is when we decide to go to interviews for that perfect job the last thing we should be feeling is imperfect about our natural selves. Because beyond the interview and job... you still EXIST as who you were born to be. Why think for a second that your natural self in all it's glory is offensive?
My final say... Your professional life is a RELATIONSHIP. If that relationship is built on a lie or even the slightest of insecurities you'll never gain the respect and peace of mind we should ALL have in our lives. So I say to you my sister... walk into that interview with class, respect and qualifications. THAT'S what will get you the job. Your hair and attire should reflect your personal values as well as your personality. If you believe you weren't hired based on the texture of you hair... then you should be glad not to be apart of such a discriminatory organization. They just missed out on an exceptional asset!
Don't be fake!
.... Be YOU!